Industrial Paramedical Services has been providing complete Multi-Phasic Mobile health testing services to the Great Lakes Region since 1975. We specialize in providing one-on-one hearing tests at your location and our dedicated technicians offer a more personalized test session for your employees. Our clients range from small machine shops, to major automotive manufacturers and mining companies. Any workplace where employees are subjected to high levels of machinery or high pitch noises.
Early detection of hearing loss can alert both parties to the need for improving hearing protection, such as combining ear-plugs and ear-muffs.
In Michigan, Ohio, Illinois and Indiana call 1-800-231-1006 M-F to speak with someone about our quality test sessions.
Remember! Noise induced hearing loss can never be recovered, but it’s easily preventable with an effective hearing conservation program.
Have Questions? Call Today.
OSHA Testing Requirements
Why You Need Hearing Tests
Audiometric testing monitors an employee’s hearing over time. Anyone exposed to 85 dB TWA or higher, must be tested annually. Testing allows employers to monitor hearing abnormalities and make necessary changes to hearing protection as needed.
How Your Ear Works
Sound waves are collected by the outer ear and are funneled through the ear canal to the eardrum. From here it gets pretty complicated so click on the link below to find out more!
Helpful Links
Please click below to access multiple links for hearing related information and other health related sites..